Tuesday, March 31, 2009

People, WE are the People

I just don't understand what the Obama attraction is. The Love Fest continues. The "Slobbering Media Love Affair" is sickening. This man may well be the President of the United States, but he is the devil. He is pushing BIG GOVERNMENT, BIG TAXES, WORLD GOVERNMENT, SOCIALISM -- PEOPLE, DON'T YOU GET IT??? More government involvement on every level and Big Brother's nose in every aspect of everything we do, say, choose (well, if we keep going in the direction we're headed, we won't have to choose -- our choices will be made for us by OBAMA.

First he's firing a CEO of a PRIVATE corporation (yes, I realize GM sold themselves to the "Obama Devil" when they accepted $$) -- didn't realize Obama wanted to control the car industry from the White House, but why not? He's in the back pocket of the Union... But come on, what's next? Is he going to push regulation to tell me what food to buy or from whom? Oops...too late. There's already regulation proposed to shut down small Farmers: goodbye little roadside farm vendors and UPick fruit orchards. Or maybe he'll decide we need one religion for all people... you know, we need to unite. Where's the harm in that? Stupid, stupid, stupid. We have to stand up and take back control. The government is supposed to work for the PEOPLE, not the other way around.

People, we are the people. We have a voice. We need to stand up and be heard and let our new dear, inexperienced, clueless President know that we don't want him destroying this great country.

OK, I'm done for now. Just had to get that off my chest.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Holy Cr*p... I really need to stop doing stuff like this...

So I was stressing the other day with so much to do to get the house ready for the Home video tour taping (for listing it) and I decided I really needed a break just to chill for a few minutes. So, stupidly, I got on the computer and I got onto ebay and ubid and a few other auction sites, just to look. Now in the past, I have thrown a lowball bid in here and there never thinking I'd ever win the item -- whether or not I even wanted it wasn't important. It was the principle of the thing... winning something for a really low-ball bid is just kind of cool. And in the past, I've never won. Except for once. So I figured, hey, what the heck, I'm going to check out the laptops on ubid and see how cheap I might find one. MISTAKE #1...

Followed shortly after by MISTAKE #2... I threw a bid out there for a decent laptop totally refurbished with a warranty, big enough to hold all my now computerized recipe files and several other things... remember, I don't win with low-ball bids. Well, this time I won. And I bought myself a laptop. Ken is going to be mad at me when I get the courage to tell him.

And that leads me to MISTAKE #3... I haven't told him yet. So if you're reading this, honey, take a few deep breaths and count to 10 before you come looking for me. If family is reading this, don't ask Ken anything about said laptop. I'll tell him... soon. I just thought I'd get it off my chest here first... dumb, dumb, dumb, but still a little exciting.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Time flies!

Wow, it's been a long time since I've blogged. And there's been a lot going on in our world. Probably the biggest news is that we're moving to Ohio in June, once the kids are done school. We'll be listing the house the beginning of April and taking it from there. Not surprisingly, the kids took the move news well -- they're pretty flexible and willing to experience life's adventures along with us.

So I have a few weeks to get the house in tip-top shape -- the realtor will be having someone come in next Thursday to tape the video for the online video tour. And then they'll be doing the realtor luncheon the following week. I really don't have a lot of time and the kids are going to have to get and keep their rooms clean, beds made, etc. Then there's the cupboards to clean (inside and out), windows to wash, closets to declutter... holy cow! I have a lot to do so I'm going to go and get it done.