Tuesday, March 31, 2009

People, WE are the People

I just don't understand what the Obama attraction is. The Love Fest continues. The "Slobbering Media Love Affair" is sickening. This man may well be the President of the United States, but he is the devil. He is pushing BIG GOVERNMENT, BIG TAXES, WORLD GOVERNMENT, SOCIALISM -- PEOPLE, DON'T YOU GET IT??? More government involvement on every level and Big Brother's nose in every aspect of everything we do, say, choose (well, if we keep going in the direction we're headed, we won't have to choose -- our choices will be made for us by OBAMA.

First he's firing a CEO of a PRIVATE corporation (yes, I realize GM sold themselves to the "Obama Devil" when they accepted $$) -- didn't realize Obama wanted to control the car industry from the White House, but why not? He's in the back pocket of the Union... But come on, what's next? Is he going to push regulation to tell me what food to buy or from whom? Oops...too late. There's already regulation proposed to shut down small Farmers: goodbye little roadside farm vendors and UPick fruit orchards. Or maybe he'll decide we need one religion for all people... you know, we need to unite. Where's the harm in that? Stupid, stupid, stupid. We have to stand up and take back control. The government is supposed to work for the PEOPLE, not the other way around.

People, we are the people. We have a voice. We need to stand up and be heard and let our new dear, inexperienced, clueless President know that we don't want him destroying this great country.

OK, I'm done for now. Just had to get that off my chest.


Anonymous said...

WOW!! That is awesome! Don't you also hate it that he is on late night tv. He is not a hollywood celebrity, does he not have important things to do....like run a country, call Russia or something. Haha!! Maybe he should take that tutorial on the computer or buy the book being the US president for dummies!!

Scott said...

I love that someone in our family is political since the rest of us are the typical apathetic Albertans.

Browns said...

Lost this post. I couldn't agree more. Hopefully the American people will "get it" before it's too late.