Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I didn't see much of Todd tonight -- he was working his last shift at King's Island and Madi and I were gone to our "old neighborhood" to trick-or-treat with our old neighbor's and dear friends Connie Langlois and her daughter, Valerie.

And I didn't get any pics during the trick-or-treating festivities, but here are a couple of before and after's of Madison. We walked and walked and walked, just like pioneer children. Unlike pioneer children, though, we collected candy along the way! It was a slightly chilly but otherwise awesome evening and we had a great time.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Here are Todd's "Special" Pics...

These pictures are Todd... they capture the very heart of who he is... jokester, funny, silly, thoughtful, infuriating Todd. Enjoy!

Todd's "Stephen Colbert" pose with Madi along for the ride

Todd's "Captain Morgan" pose

Todd's "The Thinker" pose

Todd's "Oh" pose (stated in girly falsetto)

My super cute kids and a really fun photo shoot

I decided not to partake in the annual "School Photo Op Day" aka. "man-these-are-bad-pictures-and-I-KNOW-I'm-way-cuter-than-that" session offered by the local school. I find those pics are typically not that attractive and rarely do they capture the essence and "sparkle" that are Todd and Madi. So I took the kids to a cheap (aka. reasonably priced) local photographer, recommended by several different friends, and we had a photo shoot. We took TONS of pics and laughed (comedy provided by Todd) the entire time. Todd even had the photographer in stitches. We had a great time and captured the specialness that is my children in nearly every shot. Frankly, some of the pics are more "special" than others and by that I mean "eye rolling funny" Todd -- I will definately have to post his very "special pics". Although I am totally biased, I think these pics are way more fabulous than any school picture I've ever seen. Don't you agree?!