Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I make lists

Ok, there it is. I am a list junkie. Using a list helps keep my organized. Making a list is just like making a plan or a blueprint. Lists make me happy. And crossing things off the list, well, that's better than therapy and THAT makes me happy too.

I'm not the kind of list maker who has to make a new list once the old one gets messy or has been marked up or with items crossed off. No way! I like to see my progress, whether it's household chores, a grocery list, or a list of errands to tackle. And if I don't have a list, you may notice a lost look on my face... I really NEED my "organizational tool".

So there you have it. My admission. I am not looking for a 12 step program, I just wanted to put it "on the table" that I LOVE lists!!