Tuesday, June 2, 2009

On my mind

So now that we're into June, and the move is drawing closer, I feel like life is one big loose end. For instance, there is the end of the school year coming closer: final exams, assignments, projects, teacher gifts, bus driver gifts, notifying both schools that we're moving and so forth.

We also have a sweet girl having a special birthday (yup, she's turning eight!) with a simple request for a party with her friends before we move (can't say no to that).

Then there's work for both Kendon and me (yes, I went back to work), keeping THIS house showhome ready for endless showings that materialize into just that -- showings (without results, they're just a tease), and changing addresses and making sure final utility readings take place when they need to and setting up new utilites in Ohio.

Then we have the after school sports programs and working out religiously at the gym so the old friends don't see just how well the past 8 years has treated me ;)and finalizing building details for the house in Ohio, blah, blah, blah, etc. and I'm feeling just a bit crazy.

At any given moment, I'm feeling like I have a case of ADHD (Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder) because I don't finish THINKING a complete thought before moving on to the next, let alone EXPRESSING those thoughts. My family is patient and giving me a wide berth... what does that mean exactly? Am I being testy? A little impatient? Hmmmm.... just more to think about.

1 comment:

Scott said...

I knew I needed to be there for your move...not so I could help, just so you could add "house guests" to your list. Umm, I don't want to be Mr. Obvious, but if you're seriously overwhelmed, you could stop working again. I'm just sayin'...