Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mutsu, Empire, JonaGold, Macintosh...can you guess what we did?

If you guessed Apple Picking, you're right!! This was so fun! And it was a first for Madison. I was a little surprised when I realized she'd never been apple picking, but when I thought back to the last time we went, it was when we lived in Ontario and long before she was born. Time flies. Apple picking was a favorite Fall activity of ours when Todd was small. And it was something we planned on doing every year. It seems though that as our schedules have gotten crazier and busier, we've let go of some of our fun traditions and replaced them with other things.

So we decided this past weekend would be a great time to renew our Fall tradition and go to a local orchard and see what we could do. Once there, we put our best apple picking skills to work and ended up with a 1/2 bushel of apples. Of course we had to taste each type of apple as we were picking them just to ensure we really wanted that particular brand. And so we ended up with a few apples of several different varieties. Each of us had a different favorite, so fortunately, that is what we went home with.

We enjoyed a wagon ride out to the orchard, then a hay ride back in from the orchard. Once we'd picked our fill of apples, we stopped in the kitchen for an apple slush and an apple donut before we went home.

The weather was great... nice and warm with just a little "crisp" in the air. And the leaves on the trees were fabulous with all their changing colors.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Fall Y'all

I wanted to post a couple of awesome Fall pics... One good thing I will say about New England is that it really knows how to kick off the Fall Season...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sometimes it IS the big things...

You know the old saying, "it's the little things that count"? Well, I had the opportunity this weekend to remind myself that really, it's about making the BIG THINGS count and overlooking the little things. Let me explain what I'm talking about.

I was annoyed with my family this past weekend -- I know, big surprise. Let me backtrack for a minute to mention a couple of things to help you understand MY state of mind: I went back to work last week; I have been getting up early every morning to exercise; I go to bed at night exhausted but CANNOT sleep even though I really, really want to; AND I have been carefully picking and choosing the food I eat (aka. starving).

So on to the cause of my annoyance... after a week away at work followed by evenings spent reading orientation materials or working on computer modules, the house was messy, definately neglected -- stuff dropped here and there, backpacks thrown on the kitchen floor, papers, textbooks, and assignments spread over the counters, water bottles in numerous rooms of the house, shoes everywhere, etc. I can handle a little clutter, but given the amount of stuff everywhere, it freaked me out! (Remember: tired, hungry, stressed Kristi) Anyway, I went off a little bit, definately feeling justified in my crankiness. And after I spewed anger and frustration over the Richards household, we started cleaning up.

I've mentioned before how I feel about cleaning... it's cathartic. I feel calmer when my surroundings are clean and organized. As I was cleaning, I found myself thinking about each of my kids... they are great kids.

Todd is funny, witty, usually in a good mood. He is the guy who gets up at 5am every morning to go to Seminary because he wants to get 100% attendance. If any of us should be stressed out and cranky, it is him. His day is endless. After Seminary, Todd goes to school, then football practice. He gets home sometime around 6pm to eat and then gets started on his homework. He usually rolls into bed after 10pm only to sleep for a few hours and start all over again. No downtime. And he handles it well. Todd is also the guy who loves his mom. He still hugs me and kisses me goodbye. He also tells me he loves me, even when he is IN FRONT OF HIS FRIENDS. Big things!

Madison is all things loving. She loves to be loved and she loves to make sure that each of us feels loved. She's our emotion barometer. And she is funny, silly, dramatic, such a good girl. She is smart, wants to do the right thing, and goes out of her way to make sure she applies the Golden Rule. She's my little night owl -- loves to stay up late -- but also our early bird. Go figure. These are the big things. And they are the things that matter.

So stressing about the house, fretting about whether there is toothpaste all over the vanity, or dirty dishes in the sink... LITTLE THINGS. And they really don't count much when stacked up against the big things. I realized that I really need to focus on the things that are important, the BIG THINGS.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Life back at work

Well, I went back to work this week after several months of being a delinquent. Although I really enjoyed playing around this summer and travelling with my family, I must say, that it's really nice to be back at work. Mind you, it's only been a few days, but it's been good.

The work is different than anything I've done before... I'm working with the VNA (homecare) and will eventually have my own territory and clients. Our division takes on the more acute care cases, so most of our clients are short term. There are lots of opportunities to teach and support the clients and I think that is awesome. Oh, another cool thing... I get my own laptop!! THAT ROCKS!

Because my background has been pretty much hospital based to this point, this is a new adventure. A huge factor that pushed me to make the decision to leave the "glitz and glamour" of working in the hospital, besides the obvious things like shift work, unsafe work conditions, and unrealistic management expectations is the fact that I can have some flexibility in my work schedule with the VNA. I have the opportunity to get my kids off to school, work while they are gone, and be home to get Madi off the bus. I feel productive. I'm contributing. I'm preventing my brain from turning to mush as well as doing something I love. And the kids don't miss me like they did when I was working every single weekend. What's not to like about this? I'll let you know if anything comes up.

Anyway, have a good night. I'm off.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Florida pics

Haven't been posting but I've been busy

Well tonight I decided to tackle changing the look of my blog by tweaking the HTML code... not something I've done before and I have to say that I learned A LOT thanks to the very easy step by step instructions at I got a tip about this blog from a website I frequent all the time: twopeasinabucket and I decided that I really wanted to try to make my blog more individual and more "me". Although not perfect, I am liking the way my blog looks. I'm sure I'll tweak it a bit more, add more gadgets and stuff and who knows, now that I know what to look for I may even change the appearance from time to time.