Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Life back at work

Well, I went back to work this week after several months of being a delinquent. Although I really enjoyed playing around this summer and travelling with my family, I must say, that it's really nice to be back at work. Mind you, it's only been a few days, but it's been good.

The work is different than anything I've done before... I'm working with the VNA (homecare) and will eventually have my own territory and clients. Our division takes on the more acute care cases, so most of our clients are short term. There are lots of opportunities to teach and support the clients and I think that is awesome. Oh, another cool thing... I get my own laptop!! THAT ROCKS!

Because my background has been pretty much hospital based to this point, this is a new adventure. A huge factor that pushed me to make the decision to leave the "glitz and glamour" of working in the hospital, besides the obvious things like shift work, unsafe work conditions, and unrealistic management expectations is the fact that I can have some flexibility in my work schedule with the VNA. I have the opportunity to get my kids off to school, work while they are gone, and be home to get Madi off the bus. I feel productive. I'm contributing. I'm preventing my brain from turning to mush as well as doing something I love. And the kids don't miss me like they did when I was working every single weekend. What's not to like about this? I'll let you know if anything comes up.

Anyway, have a good night. I'm off.


Browns said...

What's not to love about a job that give you a laptop!?! That is really awesome and I hope you enjoy your newfound freedom with perks (like moolah!).

Scott said...

There are some things to be said about being a nurse -- like there seems to be more jobs with huge amounts of flexibility. But then, you have to do all that nursey stuff. So I'll stick to being a dietitian wannabe foodie in early retirement. In the meantime, my brain is turning to mush.