Thursday, October 2, 2008

Florida pics


Scott said...

Okay, here's what I gotta say about your pictures: First one: the Old Man and the Sea (ha ha don't tell Ken). After a day in the rain: I think you look super-cute there, and not 39 at all. View out our window: you were in a sideways-built building? (Crap I'm funny. Or it's just getting late.) Say cheese: also super-cute. My fab shoes: I'm still jealous you can wear cute shoes. Why didn't you end up with the duck feet? And the food pictures: nice. I'm impressed. Did you try all of them...I'm having a hard time picturing you eating the tuna / caviar number.

Kristi said...

haha... you are too funny. I DID try all of them, including the Tuna/Caviar number... THAT ONE nearly made me barf.