Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Even though not a winner...

... John McCain is a class act. He is a patriot. And even though he did not win the election, he has made an impact on Americans.

With this election, history has been made! The American citizens have elected a man who promises CHANGE... He happens to be the first ever African American President. That is amazing. How far we've come since Martin Luther King Jr.

But Obama has his work cut out for him. And he has made a lot of promises to the American people. He has promised to turn this great country around. In his attempt to succeed and to fulfill his promises, it is my hope that this extreme Partisan, Liberal, Democratic President will not destroy everything this country stands for and upon which it was built.

In the words of McCain at his nomination speech:

Fight for what's right for our country.
Fight for the ideals and character of a free people.
Fight for our children's future.
Fight for justice and opportunity for all.
Stand up to defend our country from its enemies.
Stand up for each other; for beautiful, blessed, bountiful America.
Stand up, stand up, stand up and fight.
Nothing is inevitable here.
We're Americans, and we never give up.
We never quit.
We never hide from history.
We make history.


Browns said...

Well said. And I'm with you...let's hope our new president-elect won't destroy all that this country is and all that is stands for.

Scott said...

Wow. You are more political than I thought. Pretty impressive for an Albertan. But McCain wasn't entirely class act -- he did start the mudslinging first. I don't like mudslinging.

So are you so impressed? I managed to comment on everything you've posted since I last looked at your blog (which was when I was visiting you, I'm ashamed to admit). Enjoy. I'm most entertaining at this time of day.