Sunday, November 30, 2008

So what about the blog?

I've thought about the blog several times over the past couple of weeks but just haven't gotten around to posting anything. I've thought about the reasons I chose to join the realm of the bloggers and gave some consideration to why I think it's a good idea to continue to blog. Because I do think it's a good thing. And I will continue to blog. Even if I'm the only one who reads it. It's a great way to keep a written record of what's been going on in my family, a good way to remember important events, thoughts, or moments. And if anyone else decides to read my blog, they'll keep up to date with what's going on with us. I love reading my friends blogs, getting updated on what's going on in their worlds, watching their kids grow up via pics, etc. And I also love the blogs that share recipes or tidbits of wisdom.

So that brings me to the question "what do I want my blog to be?" I'm trying to avoid monotony and repetitiveness. I'm not out to teach anyone anything. I'm not a professional anything so won't share my expertise on any one thing. My blog is going to continue to focus on my family and all things, good and bad, that encompasses. It'll include pics, stories, quotes, recipes, etc.

So, here I go again. Back to blogging, after I go watch a movie with the family....

1 comment:

Scott said...
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