Friday, December 5, 2008

I have recently discovered a little gem that promotes my personal sanity and peace of mind while also saving me TONS of time. It is something I never knew existed until I got a flyer in the mail which included a $20 coupon as incentive. The coupon advertised a grocery delivery service. I thought, what the heck? Why not try it. I abhor grocery shopping, nearly as much as I despise ironing -- it's always been one of those unpleasant "have to's" that I do as infrequently as possible. So this little coupon was a delivery of hope and I definately decided to give it a try.

What I am talking about is the Shop n Stop "Peapod" grocery delivery service. It totally rocks. I planned my meals for the next two weeks, shopped the website -- you can shop by aisle or product / brand -- set up my account and voila! C'est fini! It took me 15 minutes to put in my grocery order. Delivery costs were $6.95. I set up delivery between 4pm and 6pm for the next day and promptly at 4pm my doorbell rang. There was a grocery delivery person holding bags of my groceries. He brought them in and put them on the cupboard, went out for the second load -- isn't that awesome? He brought them right in to my kitchen! That's another part of grocery shopping I dislike -- hauling in the bags.

Anyway, I put the groceries away, checking my list as I went, making sure I got everything I needed. It was all there. No muss, no fuss. My produce was fresh, the bread wasn't squashed. Everything was as it should have been. In my opinion, this is a fantastic service... one that I will definately continue to use on a regular basis.

Oh ya, and another thing, I just checked my email and I'll have free grocery delivery for the next 60 days -- how cool is THAT? You ought to give it a try if grocery shopping is something you hate, or you have to drag the kids along and it is nearly as painful as dental work without Novocaine... try it, you'll like it!

1 comment:

Browns said...

That is so freakin' cool. Too bad it's not available in our area. Bummer.