Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We're having fish...

The kids were excited to see me return from my quick trip to Canada. I sent them off to school this morning with hugs and kisses and all was well. After school, things were still peachy. We did the normal after school things -- emptying backpacks, looking through school papers, getting snacks, etc. I told Madison she could have a playdate if her friend was available. She was.

They played and had a fun time. There was a lot of peace, happiness, and NO WHINING in the Richards home. Then Madison's friend went home. And it started.

"What are we having for dinner?" Madison asked.
"You won't like it, but we're having fish. It has vegies and a yummy sauce on it and it's really good" (I'm not a fish lover myself, but I do like mild fish prepared with this recipe.)
"What? FISH? I'm not eating fish!" Madison complained.
"Well, actually, you are going to have a taste, then you can have leftovers" I said.
"No, I am NOT eating any fish," said my sweet, obedient daughter.

At this point in the conversation, it became "THE BATTLE OF WILLS" and I was determined not to let it go. I was going to win. And that is where I became the Wicked Witch, the worst mom, the control freak. I made an ultimatum: "You eat this tiny piece of fish (smaller than a dime) or you go to bed without eating".

She screamed, she cried. She screamed and cried. Surprisingly, (not) Madison is very stubborn. And once she makes up her mind about something she seldom changes it.

So guess what? She went to bed. At 7pm.

And apparently she is starving. Or so she says. Over and over and over again.

But I am mean and I am not giving in. She'll eat in the morning.

And it won't be fish.

1 comment:

Browns said...

Um...I don't know a single mom that hasn't done this. Myself included. Out of five kids, two are extremely picky eaters and stubborn to boot. I'm sure next time she'll fecide to gag it down instead of "starve"!