Monday, September 29, 2008

Quick Update...

Well, it's been awhile since I've blogged. And there have been a few things happen since you last heard from me.

1. Kendon and I went to Amelia Island, Florida for 4 days... fabulous mini-vacation complements of Procter & Gamble. We stayed in the Ritz Carlton... BEAUTIFUL place, right on the beach. Eventually, we would love to have a place right on the beach...

Marcia and Charlie came to stay with us for a couple of weeks and Marcia watched the kids while we were gone. I have to give major cudos to my sis. She's great. Amazing, actually. And Charlie... well, there are no words. He is just too wonderful and we all love him like crazy. Except for the fact that he's two, he's perfect.

2. I had my 39th birthday. Really. I'm 39 years old. Wow. It sounds so old when I say it, but it doesn't feel old. Anyway, we celebrated in Florida... and then with the kids when we got home. I got a new Canon point and shoot that I keep in my purse... it's a little easier to lug around than my bigger Canon d-slr (which I love, btw).

3. My family is healthy again. Yay! It's no fun being sick.

4. Kendon is back at work, the kids are working hard at school, and I'm gearing up to start a new job next week. I'll definately let you know how all that goes.

I guess that's it for now. I've got to download and edit some pics then I'll post a few.


Macy said...

I wondered where you have been! We've missed you! And happy birthday!

Scott said...

so here's my comment: I am great, Charlie is wonderful and two, and you are not healthy.